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发布时间:2015年09月20日 来源:湖南大学自考办
1. —This is English Department of Beijing University.
—Hi, I'm a student in English Department. I need to know the foreign professor—Mr. Smith's email address. 
 — ______ . I'm sorry, Mr. Smith does not have an email address in our system.
A Just a minute
B I see
C At your service
D It's you
[考点] 打电话用语
[解析] 因为接线员不知道Mr. smith的e-mail,要在系统内查找,所以A项“请稍等”正确。
2. —Congratulations to you! I hear you got the first prize in the English Speech Contest. —______.
A Don't mention it. I think that's only the past
B Thanks. But I think I could have done better
C There's nothing to cheer for
D No, no. It's a piece of cake
[考点] 对别人祝贺的回答
[解析] 按西方人的语言习惯,对别人的祝贺应表示感谢,所以B项正确。A、C、D三项都是中国式的答语。
3. —______?
—No, thanks. I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I want something.
A Have you made up your mind what you want
B What will you buy
C Can I help you
D Do you like it
[考点] 主动提出帮助
[解析] 本题是关于购物的日常会话。“can I help you?/May I help you?/what can I do for you?”等是售货员的职业用语。
4. — ______ ? Kate, you look pale.
—Oh, thank you. It doesn't matter.
A What's on
B What's up
C Are you ill
D Do you feel terrible
[考点] what's up的用法
[解析] what's up等于what's wrong with you,C、D两项均为汉语习惯。
5. —Jack called to say that he would not accept the job.
—I had talked him into taking it up many times.
 ______ since he still refuses.
A I'll come to his help
B I can't help it
C I'll take it over with him
D I'll phone him up
[考点] I can't help it.“我无能为力”
[解析] 上文说“Jack打电话说将不接受那份工作”而“我已经好多次劝他接受了”,那么“既然他仍然拒绝,我也无能为力了”。
6. —I'd like to take a chance and run a business.
—Do you know about the local market? ______.
A No problem
B Better play it safe
C Do as you please
D Think nothing of it
[考点] 提醒别人时的用语
[解析] Better play it safe.“最好有把握些。”No problem.“没问题”;Do as you please.“随你便”;Think nothing of it.“别再想它”都不符合题意。
7. —Bruce was killed in a traffic accident. — ______ I talked with him yesterday morning.
A What a pity!
B I beg your pardon?
C Sorry to hear that.
D Is that so?
[考点] 用问句表示惊讶
[解析] 答语的后半部分是感叹句,说明惊讶的原因。D项“Is that so?.”是用问句的语气表示惊讶;C项与后面的语气不一致,是干扰项。
8. —Did you remember to pay the telephone bill? —The telephone bill? ______.
A That isn't due yet
B Are you sure
C My telephone is out of order
D Please remember the amount
[考点] 具体语境里交际用语的运用
[解析] A项的意思是“还不到交费时间呢”。due“应得的,应付的,到期的”。
9. —Have you got any weather information today? Will it rain this evening? —No, I've no idea, though ______.
A I think not
B I hope it doesn't
C I hope not
D I don't think that
[考点] 对有关天气情况的不确定的回答。此题是湖南学位英语考试的重点
[解析] 本题可用I hope it won't或I don't think so作答。A、B、D三个答语不存在。
10. —What's going on?
A No, we won't go on. We need rest.
B The Times Theatre is on fire.
C I'm going on telling the story.
D How about some ice cream?
[考点] what's going on?的意义
[解析] “What's going on?”意为“出什么事了?”只有B项符合题意。
11. —Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV.
A That's not a very good idea.
B TV produces good influence on children.
C What makes you say that?
D You said TV was educational.
[考点] 具体语境里交际用语的运用
[解析] 上句责备玛丽应该做作业而不是坐到那儿看电视,下句是玛丽对妈妈责备的一种辩解:“你说过电视是有教育意义的。”所以D项正确。
12. —Come in please. Make yourself at home.
—______ —I'm glad you like it.
A Thanks. You have a nice place here.
B Oh, this picture is so beautiful.
C Thanks. What nice food you've prepared!
D OK. Let me look around your new house.
[考点] 具体语境里交际用语的运用
[解析] 在交际英语里,make yourself at home意为“请别拘束”。
13. —I think I'm coming down with a bad cold. —______.
A Oh, don't say that again
B Then you'd better see a doctor
C Well, I suggest you have a rest
D But you should go up a bit
[考点] 对别人生病的建议
[解析] come down with a bad cold意为“因感冒而病倒”,此时最重要的就是看医生。
14. —I'm interested in that chair. How much do you want for it?
— ______ . I'll give you $15.
—No, that's not enough.
A The Chair is really nice
B That's too much
C Please lower the price
D Nobody will have it except me
[考点] 购物时讨价还价的用语
[解析] “That's too much”意为“太贵了”,相当于That's too dear/expensive。
15. —You couldn't have chosen any gift better for me.
A Well, I thought you would like it
B Well, don't complain about a gift
C I'm glad you like it ever so much
D That's all right. I'll give you a better one next time
[考点] 具体语境里交际用语的运用
[解析] 注意You couldn't have chosen any gift better for me的意思不是否定而是称赞,“没有比这更好的礼物了”。否定词+比较级表示“没有比……更……”。I'm glad you like it ever so much是对称赞语的答语,是地道的英语口语。